Monday, May 26, 2008

What is "My Life Grayed Out?"

For many years, ok, let's be honest ever since I could make an ass out of myself; which has unfortunately been ever since I could walk, I have been going through life behaving as if I am drunk, not quite blacked out, more like "Grayed Out!" The most random things happen to me. Some people may contest it's because I'm a "scatter brain", others say I just don't pay attention to what I'm doing, and yet others still swear that I am drunk all the time (whatever!)- but really I like to think these situations are due to my view on my life- you see, I'm wearing these sweet "gray goggles," that allow me to find humor and irony in my everyday adventures!!!!
Those of you who know me, know that I am obsessed with Chelsea Handler, and aspire to be her friend one day! (Sorry girl- i'll probably get more out of this friendship than you) In fact, I got her first book, "My Horizontal Life," after seeing her on the Isaac Mizrahi show (love him too). I took it on a flight home for the holidays, I was laughing out LOUD so much the flight attendant asked me to keep it down- then I get home and immediately retreat to my bedroom to finish this book, because I could not put it down. I was laughing so uncontrollably, my little brother told my parents I was smoking weed in my room! When they busted through the door and I was under the covers with this book, I think they wished I had been smoking weed, because at this point I looked like I was smoking crack! I'm all tucked into bed, crying because I'm laughing so hard, and holding my stomach because it hurt so bad from all the muscle contractions of laughter! So from that point forward, I decided my goal for life was to write a book of my life and all of it's ridiculousness. By no means can I top any one of her stories, but if she ever reads this and at least chuckles at one of my life is fulfilled! (Well at least this blog part of my life- let's be honest, I'm not a psycho- and I'm sure to your disbelief if you continue to read my blogs and stories, I am completely normal!) So Chelsea- If you read this, call me girl- we'll get a drink!
With that said, here it goes, I'm about to kick this thing off like every bridal party in America "reluctantly dancing" into a wedding reception to "Let's Get It Started!" (by the Black Eyed Peas)
So get ready to laugh (I hope) and enjoy! Thank you for your support- I hope to make you smile or at least thank God, YOU ARE NOT ME!!!!!


Anonymous said...

If you do not stop putting pictures of yourself up with other people cur out I an going to kill you! I'll take solo pics of you so you don't offend people that you cut out. Wierdo!!!
Love, Jules

Anonymous said...

You mean, you're not a English Teacher????!!!?!?!?! Then why did you have me and the boys playing "Thumbs up, Heads up, Seven Up"???? You're so CRAZY!!!! Keep writing, I'll be reading...

Anonymous said...

Hey Lori, just want you to know that I am reading along and look forward to reading all sorts of craziness!

Anonymous said...