Monday, May 26, 2008

Seeing Faces in the Lake- Does Not Make You a Man

It is a rare occasion when I dislike my friends boyfriends, however, there was one in particular I could not stand! This was back in High School, circa 1995- however this recollection of that particular boyfriend (Burt) of my best friend (Sue), was told through an email blog some friends and I had for a short while, just this past year (2008). As you can see, before I indulge the details of Burt the douche, I am pleading to get Sue access to our super cool Blog Email Group- yeah, we're nerds! So here's my entry and plea:

"PS- I copied Sue, so get your votes ready: I'm a YES, Red's a other dickheads better be a yes too! We know she's funny and can bring some great middle school/ high school stories to the group....

And maybe even remind us of how Burt, came to her house crying with a Simba stuffed Lion King doll in his hands, because he had bought it for her and went to the lake with it (yes, picture Burt with the Simba doll, sitting on the pier- alone) and he was crying his eyes out because when he looked in the lake he saw Sue's face in the water....and he didn't understand why she broke up with him? Really Burt? It might be that gay furry doll your holding in your hands, or the fact that you go to the lake alone and psychotically see faces in the water, or maybe just because your a grown man and you are crying, or it could even be the fact that the sport you excel at (golf) uses the smallest balls of any sport? What does that say about your manhood? Just some ideas I thought I'd throw out there for your mental processing- Burt, you ass cake!

PPS- the golf comment was meant to be funny, I do realize a racket ball may be 1mm smaller in circumference- and in that case: Joey- you and Squirrel played with the smallest balls around, but its' not the size of balls that matter, it was this size of your racket ball goggles...and we all know those were HUGE!!!!"

But like I said- my disgust of friends boyfriends is very, very rare. In fact my disgust for anyone is rare, but Burt, my friend, welcome to the club, you're one of the only!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really like your blog idea. I am looking forward to reading all the posts and stories! If any of them are as funny as this one then we are in for a treat!