Monday, May 26, 2008

Now For The Rules! - For You Wieners Who Need Rules

I am NOT a lawyer, I am a sales rep, aspiring to embarrass myself on the Internet!
I am NOT an Editor, English Teacher, Writer, or a Spelling Bee Champ- I am in the medical field and consider myself a master of excel, fiend for analyzing data, a wanna be psychiatrist, and specialist of Neuroscience! - So shut your pie hole when you see my spelling mistakes, fragment/ run on sentences and my discovery of new words before Websters finds these babies!!!!!!
I will be changing the names of my friends in these stories! If you can read the title of my Blog- "My life Grayed Out" this means, this is how I remember these events, and how I WANT to remember these events- don't ruin this for me....just go with it, trust me, you'll laugh harder!
I welcome your feedback and comments, please send this to your friends if you think it's semi-comical, but DO NOT tell me my spelling or paragraphing is incorrect! - DUH!!!! I just explained this in the second paragraph- you grammar wienie!
So just have fun with it! I sure as hell have!

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