Friday, June 6, 2008

Crazy Bitches- Make me Laugh!

To my latest fan- enjoy!


Anonymous said...

I'm just a little confused why people read your blog if they clearly dislike you? Then they post comments that are just rude and hateful. In response to the portion saying that you can't keep relationships of any kind and that you have to buy your friends, that can't be any more false. And in response to the "can't make families accept your psycho ass" You shouldn't want to MAKE anyone family accept you. I just find it odd that people waste their time reading your funny posts if they don't like you. It's almost like high school hazing, are we not in our late 20's? WOW!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Well....I do have a Lit. major and the blog is much better written than the poorly spelled first comment. What a loser! Learn some grammar and punctuation's a thought, if you don't like it, quit reading. The rest of us find it all amusing and true. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Hey Lori. I love your stories and think that the commenter who has the audacity to leave such a hateful message but not the guts to put his/her name is 100%pathetic. Obviously they are the one whose life is "incomplete" if they spend their days seeking out ways to be such a whacked out b****/a-hole. It must be hard living life as a mean-spirited, evil person. It's no wonder they feel the need to take it out on someone as sweet and awesome as you! They're the jealous one! Love ya! Oh and I'll put my name - Melinda :)