Monday, May 24, 2010

Sunday- No Pants Dance

Ok, so I think I'm officially the creepy lady in the neighborhood. Yesterday was a great Sunday. I got up early, went to the pool and studied for a while! I came back home, had some lunch, took a shower, and decided I was going to take the afternoon to relax! It's hot here in Florida right now, about 95 degrees!!! So I thought what's more relaxing than laying around all day in underpants and a tank top???? NOTHING!

So I take it upon myself to ditch the pants and chill in my undies! Now usually this is normal attire for me in the evening, but I figured if I shut the blinds, my favorite pastime could now be an afternoon activity.

As I'm watching pointless TV and reading the blog of my new favorite artist: Lee Dewyze- I hear something outside my window, rustling around in my bushes! Which now causes my dog to go into defense mode and start barking.... NOT relaxing. So I walk over to the window and attempt to crack the blinds a little bit to get a look, only it appears someone may have WD-40'd my blind strings, because the blinds flew up faster than a hotdog down a hallway! Now, in case you've forgotten I'm having "no pants" Sunday, which is not appropriate when there is an 8 year old little boy outside your window in the bushes!!!! He looks at me with huge wide eyes, and this little shit proceeds to laugh!! Then he ran away! My first thought was to chase him down the street and prove to him that me in my underpants is not a laughing matter... Fortunately I realized that may have then taken the situation from awkward to illegal???? So instead I quickly shut the blinds, and went back to my relaxing Sunday.

Apparently, news of the "underpants lady" travels fast among 8 year-old boys, because no less than an hour later there is now the chatter of three little boys outside my window. I out smarted these little pervs and only cracked the blinds enough for me to see out, and catch them all standing there looking in my window!! I guess I should be happy they didn't bring their dad's over for the show!

So fingers are crossed that no disgruntled mom's come to my front door, needing to "talk."

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