Sunday, July 29, 2012


I’ll talk your ear off if you let me. I giggle- a lot! I love to cuddle. I like affection and love to be kissed on the forehead. I’ll try to hold your hand- probably more than I should. I’ll be the first to laugh at myself and the last one still laughing. I am easy to please and more easily entertained. I'm laidback and always up for anything! I love to have fun and believe I am more fun and funnier than reality portrays. I am spoiled but not a brat. I am my Daddy’s girl. I love to take pictures and add them to my photo albums. I don’t believe pictures can replace memories or having been there, but it sure is nice to have evidence the next morning. When it rains out I love to light candles, lie on the couch, curl up with tons of blankets and watch TV. My favorite movie is Almost Famous. I like to think I am eccentric and sporadic and sometimes intriguing, but more often than not, I am just random and weird. I'm a bad driver and willing to admit that most women are, that's why I'll always let you drive. I am a people pleaser who would prefer for you to be happy over me, because I know I’m always alright. I like to watch sports, but will always prefer to play them with you. I like to go to the gym and love the gym classes. I love to get dressed up, but adore my sweatpants. I love to buy lingerie, but prefer to wear your t-shirts. I like to travel to new places and meet new people. I’m a good first impression, but hard to get close to. I am a republican, with an open mind. I will support any cause for animals. I love my dog- Penelope. I’m the nicest person you know, until I feel betrtayed or disrespected then “Hell has no fury like a woman scorned.” But I’m the first to admit I’m wrong and quick to apologize- sincerely. I work hard, and play harder. I love to text. I love music, especially when the lyrics have meaning. As confident as I seem, I am just as shy and nervous. I am incredibly self-aware, so anything you say about me, I’ve already thought it.